Its so easy to become comfortable. Maybe you haven’t really started your internet business. You’ve got a day job and you drag yourself through it every day. Then you come home and tweak your website layout a little bit or work on another graphic. But its the stuff you already know how to do.
You’re keeping yourself busy. But you’re in a rut. You’re doing the easy comfortable thing. You’re sleepwalking. Success doesn’t come from inside your comfort zone. Success comes from testing your boundaries; from pushing the limits. It comes from doing “”the one big thing”. What’s the one big thing that you could do, right now, that would make a big difference in your business.
If you’ve been trying to make money on the internet for a while, you probably have a good sense of that the one big thing is for you right now.
The problem most people have is that they do something easier; something more comfortable;
For some people, they get their website setup then never ever start creating the content to fill it. For other, they won’t start doing the social media promotions they know they should be doing. For still others, its the failure to put together a product; or setup an email list; or start advertising. They may be working but they are just working in their comfort zone.
Whats’s the one big thing you need to do? Between this and other websites, you’ve probably figured out what you need to do. You probably know what the one big thing is you need to do to get to the next level.
What bit of work is the most uncomfortable? What thing that you could do to grow your business scares you the most? The answer to those questions is probably the thing you need to do. Fear and discomfort are the universe’s way of telling you what work is the most important. The things you are afraid of are the things you know are important and must be done, but that cause you the most discomfort. If they weren’t important, you wouldn’t even be thinking about them.
Figure out what the “one big thing” is for you. Then attack it with all your energy. Attack it fearlessly. Once you’ve made it routine, there will be another big thing.
The more you break down those barriers, the greater your success will be.
So start now!!
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